What does Philanthropy mean
to ATNA?
It means a chance to give our youth a foot path into the future. With collaborative leadership from within, and also with our partner companies, we strive to teach and learn alongside the students from Texas State University in Austin.
ATNA believes in the Strength of Technology and the place it holds in our future.
We have worked in awe with Khoi Nguyen, Ph.D. who has developed an augmented reality program that reads the graves of those in National cemeteries. The stories are brought to life on a cell phone so it’s no longer just a name on a tombstone. It is a human touch of kindness that resonates when you are able to read aloud about the backgrounds of these service men and women. Their stories will live on in infinity.

How does this take shape?
The immense undertaking of this entire program brings together students from… departments as they research the knowledge of those that have gone before us. Utilizing GPS technology….
Where does ATNA fit in this complex project?
We are working closely with the university to make a duplicatable and repeatable process. We are leading with our voice to our peers and many business contacts to let them know about this brilliant technology that remains close to our hearts. We are reaching out for grants and personal endowments. This will eventually allow for a technology share between universities across all 50 states to do the same for their own National cemeteries.